Friday, August 20, 2010

Poetry Friday

I've always loved Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken. In fact it's come to mind several times this summer, including during the past couple days when I've been struggling with the decision that is upon me (or at least will very soon be upon me). So, for this Poetry Friday, I went searching for other poet's thoughts on decision making--honestly hoping to find a poem that would help me figure out what my path should be. I don't have an answer yet (as clearly evidenced in my other blog entry from today), but I will share two poems that I discovered on the way:

Decision Making by Tyrandra F. Impaler

Deep sadness fills the girl
It still beats, so she must be alive
The pain in her chest commands slow breaths
She can't make the decision
Why does she feel depressed so?
This emotion is proof by the tears on her cheeks
Just say the world
It will be all over, one word
Stop listening and follow
Just follow!
But, her fears stop her
Too many "what ifs"
(The poem continues here)

Making a Decision by Rita (?)

What causes us to act?
Do we wake up one day
and say
this is the day,
or is there a slow
with thoughts rolling around
in our mind
do this, do that,
make this decision,
make that decision,
no it’s too risky,
better not take a chance,
(The poem continues here)

This week's round-up is hosted by TeachPoetryK12. And I wonder (for those of you willing to pause to comment), how do you go about making a decision when there doesn't seem to be a clear answer?


  1. Hi Anne,

    It depends on what issue(s) the decision is about. For example, if it is something about a relationship, I will use techniques more geared toward the emotional side of me. If it is a decision that needs to be made about career path or dealing with an organizational issue at work, then I will use techniques geared toward the logical side of me.

    But these are not exclusive. I use all of my decision making powers in each vital decision that I make.

    One of the best books dealing with decision making is "Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change" by William Bridges. It deals with the emotional and social fallout of change on the organizational level, but has ramifications to the personal level as well.

    Laura Evans

  2. These poems make an interesting Oreo-like sandwich of your three Friday posts! How fun to see you go from uncertainty, to poems about deciding, to decisions! Good luck in your new position and congratulations on being at peace with your choice.
